Sunday, November 16, 2014


This day was planned specifically for Lake Toya, ‘a volcanic caldera lake in Shikotsu-Toya National Park’ according to Wikipedia. I didn’t know much about this place. I have heard it for the first time, on the previous day from my father. So I was mostly uninterested; who wouldn't be, when all they can see in their mind is a lake named Toya. That was the only image I got, BUT, completely different from how it actually looked like!
Near Ana Hotel Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan. May 1, 2014

   The Sapporo railway station was very near to our hotel, nearly 7 minutes walk away. Our train, Hokuto 84 was at 7.30 am. It took 2 hours to Toya. 
Ana Hotel Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan. May 1, 2014

   Everything was fine until we reached the Toya station where we came across our first problem. We did not know, how to go to the lake from the station. Seeing the map yielded no results as the distance was too much to merely cover by walking. So while my father looking around frustrated, I waited relaxed with the situation and just looked around my surroundings. 
Train ticket for Hokuto 84 from Sapporo to Toya. 
Hokkaido, Japan. May 1, 2014

   The place was cold and misty outside the station, but it was indulgent to my eyes then again Japan itself was like that. I got bored soon enough and looked at a board, where I noticed was posted a time table of a bus schedule. After I figured out the table, I pointed it out to my mother who quickly called my father. After that things went pretty smoothly, for me.

   The bus was called Donan, probably the company name and was painted in pear green with forest green stripes. The bus took us at least 20 minutes to reach the Toyaku Onsen which is a hot spring. From this particular station the lake was visible. And I was impressed, it was beautiful. In the middle of the lake there was an island or more appropriately islands. When we neared the lake a harbour with an odd looking ship greeted our sight. Espoir was the name of the cruise boat, shaped like a medieval European castle.

Lake Toya cruise boat. Toya, Hokkaido, 
Japan. May 1, 2014

   We boarded it after getting the tickets. The boat would take us to the big island in the middle. The view from the boat was again a delight for me and I was able to take many pictures. The scene was just like mountains sprawling across the terrain with clouds rolling in huge masses made the scene look mysterious and ancient. I was also able to get a few pictures of some seagull flying. They were fearless settling on the bows and staring down at me defiantly when I was trying to get a good shot, that failed not because of the bird but because the bow was in the way.

Four islands of Lake Toya. Toya, Hokkaido, 
Japan. May 1, 2014

   There were four islands, Nakajima, Bentenjima, Kannonjima and manjujima at the center of the Lake Toya. When we reached the big island (Nakajima), we were given 30 minutes to wander around. The island had a museum; so we took a walk around.
Lake Toya cruising. All the 4 islands are seen. 
Toya, Hokkaido, Japan. May 1, 2014

   From the small museum, we gleaned a little more information about the island; it had a diversity of birds it seemed. And deers, shouldn’t forget them, after all we did see some deer behind a fenced area. I was peacefully watching and trying to get nearer to the doe without frightening it, until my father barged in and it ran away.
Lake Toya cruising. Toya, Hokkaido, Japan. May 1, 2014

   By the time we had done everything our time was up and we returned to the mini harbour where another boat arrived to pick us up. Settling down cosily in the boating with a heating system, I was even without the expression, happy, after all I loved nature, seeing it made me so happy.

   Landing on land we decided to have lunch. This might has been the second obstacle, all the restaurants had pork in it and since our family did not eat pork we left. But that was finally solved when we came across a modern looking restaurant, Sendoan (for Japanese food) with our personal favourite chicken curry rice!
Chicken curry rice at Sendoan restaurant, Lake Toya. 
Hokkaido, Japan. May 1, 2014

   We were seated comfortably in the restaurant, viewing the lake. The quantity of rice that was given and the chicken was…too much. My parents were struggling to finish it. Somehow I was able to eat it all up not wanting to waste it, but my parents failed and they both had leftovers even my father the one who usually says things like ‘wasting food is not good!’ At the end of our lunch, however my parents declared that they would never eat curry rice again for a long time, though it was a lie. Other than the quantity, it was delicious..!

   Our second but last destination of the day was Usuzan rope way. For which we had to take another bus. This was tiring admittedly as the bus took a long time to come, fortunately I had my phone to play games with, so I was distracted. Flow is awesome.
Mount Usu ropeway gondola. Toya, Hokkaido, 
Japan. May 1, 2014

   By the time we reached the rope way station it was 3.30 pm and it took us another 10 minutes to actually stand in queue for the rope way. After a 6 minutes ride by the rope way gondola, we arrived at the Mt. Usu summit, from where we could get a clear view of the volcanic mountain Usu which had erupted at least four times in the past century. The scenery from the summit of Mt Usu was again beautiful as we could see a view of Lake Toya; but good pictures were hard to take as the place was slightly misty. None the less I took enough pictures to satisfy myself.
Volcano Mount Usu, a view from the summit of the 
Usu mountainToya, Hokkaido, Japan. May 1, 2014

   After returning to the ground gondola station, we had a break and I wandered around the souvenir shops until I saw a lucky pick where you have to insert coins and twist the knob, if you are lucky you will get the object you wanted; if not, you just have to live with any other option. Why was I excited? I was excited because the lucky drop had characters from my favourite show ‘One Piece’. I coaxed my mother into giving the money and she relented as it was pretty cheap.

   ‘My luck is so bad’, was what I thought when I stared at the character in my hand it was Trafalgar Law a rival and ally to my favourite character. I was hoping for luffy after all, but after that my mother refused to give me money, so I have to live with it…until now!

   Back to the topic, we left to wait for the bus which would take us back to the Toya station. That practically concluded our day excluding a small mishap in which our train, Hokuto 91 arrived ahead of schedule and we almost missed it along with some other people who were waiting for the same train.
Hokuto 91 from Toya to Sapporo. Hokkaido, 
Japan. May 1, 2014

   Overall, the self-made trip was actually more fun than I would admit without the hurriedness required in guided tours. I was happy throughout the remaining day!

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