Monday, November 10, 2014

15 Japan DAY 7 – UNDERSEA TRAIN TO SAPPORO, JAPAN (30 April, 2014)

Said Goodbye to the Sheraton Tokyo Bay hotel and started for a longggggggg journey. From Tokyo which is in Japan’s main island, Honshu to Sapporo in northern island, Hokkaido. Nearly 1135 km. Almost a full day travel by train. As Sapporo is in another island we had to cross the sea. Guess what…yes, we were going to cross the sea by undersea tunnel.  
At Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay hotel room balcony, 
Tokyo, Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

At Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay hotel lobby, 
Tokyo, Japan. Apr. 30, 2014
At Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay hotel portico, Tokyo, Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay hotel, Tokyo, 
Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     ‘I should be used to this by now’, was what I was thinking at 9.08 am, as I sat in my designated seat in the bullet train named HAYABUSA 9 to Shin-Aomori. You might have noticed the word, ‘Shin’ appearing along with place names. ‘Shin’ means ‘New’. There are two stations in Aomori, Aomori station and Shin-Aomori station. Our travel would take 3 h and 21 min. I don’t remember much of the occurrence or views we got from the train as again I found myself blinking in and out of consciousness. It was not pleasant.
     Our train stopped at major cities such as, Sendai, Morioka, and Hachinohe and arrived at Shin-Aomori at 12.29 pm.  

Bullet train, Hayabusa 9: Tokyo to Shin-Aomori. 
Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

Interior of the Bullet train, Hayabusa 9: Tokyo to 
Shin-Aomori. Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

Having lunch in the Bullet train, Hayabusa 9. 
Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

Japan map showing Tokyo, Sendai, Morioka, Aomori, 
Hakodate and Sapporo. Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     At 12.30 pm, I found myself running behind my parents who feared that they would miss the next train, which I later concluded was unnecessary as the train took up on its course only a good 10 minutes or so after we settled ourselves in it. Our next destination was Hakodate. The Limited Express Super-Hakucho 11 train (Heat 789 series) started at 12.45 pm and would arrive at Hakodate in Hokkaido Island at 14.58 pm (2 h and 13 min).
Limited Express Super-Hakucho 11: Shin-Aomori 
to Hakodate. Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     My father was particularly jubilant at this specific and kept blubbering about going in the tunnel under the sea, while this would have been interesting for me, I lacked the energy and instead chose to keep quiet and stare at the diagram of the very tunnel my father was going on about. Apparently the ride through the undersea tunnel would last for exactly 27 min, was what I got from my calculation having noted the time the train would enter the tunnel and the time it would get out given in a table below the aforementioned diagram. Having seen this chart I couldn't help but think, ‘Japanese people…..must like time keeping’. A noticeable point in Japan was everything was punctual and everything had a time designated for it. It was an odd but worthwhile practice, and I was impressed.
Passing time schedule in the Seikan tunnel for the 
Limited Express Super-Hakucho 11. Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     Seikan undersea tunnel connects Honshu and Hokkaido islands. The tunnel is 53.85 km in length, with 23.3 km below the sea. That is, the train is traveling 23.3 km directly under the sea, Tsugaru straight that separates Honshu and Hokkaido islands. The depth of the sea is 140 m and the tunnel is 100 m below the bottom sea bed; that is, the tunnel lies 240 m below from the sea level, making it the deepest rail tunnel in the world.
Seikan undersea Tunnel, linking Honshu and Hokkaido islands. 
Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     Exactly at 2.58 pm, we have arrived at Hakodate station. Our next train, Limited Express Super-Hokuto 11 was at 3.13 pm which would reach Sapporo at 6.43 pm (3 h and 30 min). The travel time was longer, but was fortunately our last locomotive before we reached Sapporo.
Limited Express Super-Hokuto 11: Hakodate to Sapporo. 
Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     The three and half hours wait was bearable and much more better for me as I was that time actually awake to see the views flashing by. I loved the country side with all its mountains and multitudes of trees; it was somewhat different from our country. And since the sea was also visible I was able to get good shots from my mobile camera, this lasted until I got bored and ran out interesting things to take.

     At 6.43 pm we reached Sapporo. While Sapporo was not as impressive as Tokyo and Osaka, it was in its own right a sprawling city.

     It was going well for us until that point, but good grace cannot last and we finally found ourselves facing the problem of finding our hotel, which by the way, was the same as the one in Osaka, Ana group, Ana Hotel Sapporo. My father who had seen the hotel sign led the way for some time. I decided, I did not like the way my parents were dawdling with doubt and took over. The station was close to a bus terminal which had a building atop it. The entrance to the building was before the stairwell, near which we were standing. Thinking that maybe if we were to gain height we might be able to see the hotel or atleast its sign, I convinced my parents to climb the stairs.

     Plan one, locate the hotel from a high point, but failed; the reason, the mentioned point wasn’t high enough. I decided to improvise and let fate lead the way after that and we found ourselves at another stairwell, this time leading down, located at the side of the building near a darkened carpark. This was where, an accident took place; my mother fell. Maybe it was because she wasn’t focusing; maybe it was because she was old, who knew. After that I hanged back with my mother while my father walked ahead in search of the hotel. I did not see what he was doing but came to the conclusion he asked someone as soon enough we found our hotel.

     Not that we stayed long, and against my wishes I was pulled along to shop for dinner. Having had a glimpse of the places earlier we found ourselves at a cafeteria like place, a ground below the electric store we had entered. The shop was easy to find as it was near the second stairwell. Our shopping did not last long as most of the store clerks were closing their shops and after buying rice with some kind of a sauce over it, my mother had bought the same though the sauce was different from ours.
Dinner at Ana Hotel Sapporo room, Sapporo, Japan. Apr. 30, 2014

     The time was nearing 11.30 pm when we finished dinner and we decided to sleep as we had another trip on the following day!

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