Sunday, July 6, 2014

4 Japan DAY 2 - OSAKA, JAPAN (25 April, 2014)

While having lunch my father decided to go to the Osaka city tour (Duck tour). My mother didn't want to go as she was tired. We got directions from a tourist information counter and went to the hotel which hosted the tour.
The Amphibious bus for city tour. Osaka, Japan. Apr. 25, 2014 
     For a fact, please keep in mind I was only interested in the tour because the bus which would be taking us was said to sail on river as well.

     The tour was fine as a whole as it offered a good view of the Osaka city. The downside was that the guide was speaking only Japanese. While the bus was touring on the land, my mother was almost asleep, my father was filming and I was looking around and at the same time trying to follow the guide. I understood some words but not enough to actually understand properly.
 The Amphibious bus is sailing on river. Osaka, Japan. Apr. 25, 2014 

     After a while we reached a river (or was it a lake?!) and the guide showed us how to use the life west. At the same time I was wondering if we had to get off the bus, because I had yet to believe that the bus would actually be turning into a boat.

     So it was with barely concealed excitement and a smile I watched as the bus slowly descended into the water. Some people let out exclamation, but I became amused by then at the events happening. 
 The Amphibious bus is sailing on river. Osaka, Japan. Apr. 25, 2014 

     And so we resumed the tour, the bus turned boat sailed around what seemed to be a lake to offer us a good view. As we were on our way back to land the guide talked to us about kappas, which are Japanese water demons and advertised some kappa products. She then brought a small kappa toy and asked if anyone wanted a picture with it. Many people nodded and took pictures with each other especially the couples. And we ourselves took one with my mother holding the toy. 
A view of Osaka from the amphibious bus on river. Osaka, Japan. Apr. 25, 2014

     After returning to land the bus returned to the hotel where we were picked up. And we decided to return to our hotel. After 5 minutes freak to the station Umeda to go to Yodoyabashi and reached our hotel. Unsurprisingly after returning we promptly fell asleep. 

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