Sunday, June 29, 2014


From my point of view, the day started out normal, excluding the presence of my father and the murmuring of my frustrated mother. My feelings of normality, however were set aside in favour of getting ready. I was in irritate mood, and that was further dampened during the spat over breakfast, but I will not relieve as it had nothing to do with our trip. Though if you are curious, I am willing to spare the details along with other beautiful wordings. After all it was a meaningless affair.
Changi Airport (T3) 24 April, 2014
     Our flight was to depart at 1.50 pm from Changi Airport (T3). My parents were lingering windows of the terminal, taking pictures. Even though we had already taken many pictures as this was not the first time we came to terminal 3. And around 1.15 pm, we were seated snugly in a restaurant eating an Indonesian dish, Ayam penyet (fried chicken and rice). And no, it was not me. Soon enough I got tired of waiting, so I peeked at my watch with a realization came the panic, and we rushed to our gate.
At Indonesian restaurant, Changi Airport (T3) 24 April, 2014
     Fortunately at 1.45 pm, I found myself in the flight well seated but a bit irritated. On the other hand, my parents were relaxed and taking pictures. Now my irritation has a cause, but I will spare the info at the end of this day.

     The flight was to take an approximate of six hours to reach Japan and I found various ways to keep myself from boredom. Singapore airlines Airbus A330-300 had mini television sets on each seat updated with the latest of movies, shows, music and documentaries as such it was convenient.

     For lunch, I opted a Japanese style cuisine from the menu card provided while my parents ate the pre- ordered Hindu meal. It puzzles me as to how they eat that though it has always had a distasteful smell in my opinion. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my meal.

     It was 9.30 pm (Japan time) when we arrived at Kansai International Airport in Osaka. By then I was drowsy and blinking repeatedly to remain conscious. However, the problem was solved the moment I set foot in the airport. The crisp air refreshed.
At Kansai Airport, Osaka, Japan on 24 April, 2014 
     Kansai airport was like many other modern ones, big, well kept, though it could not match to the décor of Changi Airport, Singapore.

     The first task completed by my parents upon our exiting the airport was to activate the JR pass which allows free transportation in the Japan Railways Lines which are often differentiated from the rest. During the short course of time I waited, I kept hoping to establish or find a network connection which would not demand money or registration. That hope was rendered apart and then came frustration. My frustration was due to the fact that I failed to tell my close friend, that I had come to Japan; this was in all, not my fault as she failed to pick up the calls which I had made earlier.

     Moving on with some help, we were able to buy the tickets to station, Yodoyabashi (via Nankai station) to our hotel, Hotel ANA Crowne Plaza, Osaka. While till then matters had been smooth we nearly encountered a problem, in the form of a handsome train labelled Nankai Limited Express, which we thought was for our transport. That was disintegrated by the helpfully unhelpful hands of a station man nearby who pointed to the opposite platform when inquired. The sight that greeted us was a battered tin box until we later realized was our train to Nankai station.

     Reaching Nankai, we found our way to the subway which would take us to our last destination of the day. It was not hard to navigate with fortunately English written labels scattered on different sign boards.
The last feet of travel did not last long and at reaching Yodoyabashi station we again with help and a map made it out the correct exit. On the streets, the night life was still buzzing, which was of course considering the time. But that wasn't our problem so we did not muse for long.

     We dawdled for minutes searching the building for our hotel ‘ANA Crowne Plaza’ and checked the nearby maps, but it did not yield results. As a last resort, we asked a young man who instructed with some difficulty to walk straight and turn left at the second signal. After walking a short distance, my parents for some reason repeated the question to a young lady. As a result, she came with us all the way till we caught sight of our hotel. She was truly really kind. Her attempt at getting to know us was also gratifying to the heart especially with her lack of knowledge in English.
At Hotel ANA Crowne Plaza, Osaka, Japan on 24 Apr. 2014
     By the time we reached our room, it was nearing 12 am and we were all tired though the view from our room upraised our travel worn spirits. It was a delight to look with a bridge alit with passing cars and nearby building shining bright it was spectacular. I lost interest after a glimpse not because it wasn’t pleasing but because I knew that I would be able to enjoy the same the next night.
A view of Osaka, Japan from the Hotel ANA Crowne Plaza room (24 Apr. 2014)
     After a while of taking pictures, my parents decided on visiting a nearby convenience store to buy us dinner. I refused to go with them as I was in no mood what with all the sleepiness I could have slept without eating but as I was feeling the pangs of hunger I opted against it.

     As to why I was annoyed who wouldn't when the time is almost nearing and your parents are still wandering around a known place taking pictures the only good thing that came of it was that I won a key chain at the Changi airport lucky prize counter. Not that I know the location of the key chain any more I’ll have to search for it later.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

1. Welcome friends...

Hi friends,

To whoever is reading this, I’m pretty sure I need not mention my blog as it quite obvious with the title being ‘JinuChriz’ not my taste but acceptable. Before I start writing for this blog, I want to make a small introduction.

     I am a poet with an interest in writing not about reality, however, my desire is to write stories whether or not. For that I would require practice and this blog was created for this reason among others. I love music and it doesn't matter if I understand the language it is sung in or not, as many have stated this whenever I informed them of my love for Japanese songs. Music is an expression you can understand the emotions though its lilt words I believe are not important.

     Onto the next point, no matter what others may think as childish I have an undeniable love for anime, which are different from cartoons. The reason is simple I love them because they can give me great inspirations for poetry and some of them spread messages about life that however is notice only by a few. Plus anime unlike cartoons are not for children for one they are too violent, not all of them fortunately but most do.
Luffy-One Piece
     Anyway that’s all there is about my main interests other than reading because that’s what I do the most whether its fan-fiction or the classics which I have recently developed an interest for. Aspects of my personality is something I will not write about as that will only cause…

Hope you enjoy my blog.

Jinu Christopher
28 June, 2014